Gospel Reflections for April 1 2018
Jesus returns!
Jesus experienced a horrible crucifixion on Good Friday. You see it on every crucifix. He was an innocent person guilty of no crime at all, and yet was terribly executed in a way that was profoundly humiliating and painful.
Can you imagine the crowd when they found out Jesus had resurrected from the dead? What kind of person can resurrect? Only a person filled with the almighty power of God, and He was returning to Jerusalem! They must have been terrified!
They had a lifetime of knowing just what an injured person would do …seek deadly revenge on all who hurt him.
Is that not what we are used to as well? You accidentally cut someone off on the freeway and then fear road rage from that driver. You are caught in a lie about a family member and then suffer lifelong consequences. We often expect fierce payback for our bad behavior.
Yet Jesus arrives in a different way. His resurrection affirms what His message was from the very beginning, a powerful and unconditional expression of love for you, despite what you have done. Is that really possible? Yes. “Peace be with you” are His very first words!
Jesus knows we often fall into sin, but He will not use anger, hate, or revenge to fight sin. While Jesus wants us to love each other just as He does, He will not use violence to achieve it. That is good news for anyone with a guilty conscience, and His loving invitation to change your life.
We have seen terrible sins recently, in school shootings, terrorist attacks, and perhaps in your own family arguments. Revenge is often the motive behind all of them. The Easter example of Jesus is the better way forward.
I remember the story of a frustrated person reading a newspaper about all the bad things going on in the world, who then slams the paper down and cries out, “God, why don’t you do something!” Then a voice from heaven calmly says, “I did do something …I created you!”
When you deeply feel God’s unconditional love for you, despite your own sinfulness, you can respond with that same love for people that you once despised yourself. That will change the world for the better, one person at a time. On this Easter Sunday, it begins with you.
Happy Easter!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Peace be with you and all people. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter Father Dave,
My Lenten journey and my Easter is forever changed since the HL trip, it has taken a firm hold on me, and your words today is what I needed to hear to give me more affirmation in what little I can do.
Thank you and that God and our Savior send you daily blessings,
By the way , I forgot to tell you, I love the 6am posting. Thank you to help me start my day!
Beautiful message. Forgiveness is the one gift that helps both the giver and receiver. Thank you for this timely and ever important message, Father Dave.
You are welcome!
Many thanks for your weekly reflections a learning journey of Jesus message of love for mankind. Wishing you a wonderful Easter.
Happy Easter!
It looks like the peace that Jesus wants us to have has fallen on deaf ears!
When we look at the world around us, all we see is violence, hatred,, revenge and
and each of us fighting each other.
We need to pray for peace and let it begin with “Me”
You understood the message perfectly!
When we get hurt it can be very hard to forgive. Jesus, however, knowing what he was going to go though loved unconditionally. Even Peter, denying Jesus and yet he still loved him and came back for him. Then to go though all that pain and suffering and say, :Father forgive them….. WOW what a God we serve..
Yes, we are fortunate to be loved as we are by God.
Yes, change the world one person at a time: And let it begin with ME!
As an old Italian nun was once quoted as saying:
No one of those among the living could possibly have suffered as much as as in Christ’s Passion and Death upon a Cross. Death was conquered to forever give us hope in eternal redemption from pain and death.
A most Blessed Eater Season, Love Rose Mary and Bob
Thank you, and Happy Easter!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your words ” It begins with You!!! One person, loving, one person, helping , one person being compassionate etc!! One person changed the world, our Jesus of love!!! We must follow his beautiful footsteps!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fit!!
A precious Easter to you and always filled with soooooooooooooooooooo much love!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Happy Easter Season!