Gospel Reflection for September 21 2014
Is it the right man and the right plan?
We are once again at war in the Middle East, but fortunately the Gospel for this Sunday offers a way to see and understand it all in context.
Jesus had something He wanted to accomplish that was important so He describes just the right man to do it, and the right plan to make it happen.
The farmer in today’s Gospel is clearly in charge of his farm. He knows exactly what he needs and goes about getting it. His confidence and clarity of vision attracts workers who are willing to help throughout the day. Each time he ventures forth there are plenty of people who want to get on board.
When he pays all of the workers the same wage at the end of the day we might think he is unfair. Well, the workers certainly do! Yet the owner remains resolute, steady, and consistent about his plan. What is going on here?
In our world today, wages should be paid according to hours worked in the vineyard. The more hours worked, the more money you should receive. That just makes good common sense. However, we must remember this Gospel is a parable about the Kingdom of God. In that Kingdom, the “wage that is paid” is not money. The wage paid is …love.
The Kingdom of God is a place of relationships of love, like the love we see in close-knit families. Do parents love newborn babies less than older children who have been around much longer? Of course not! Parents love all their children equally no matter how many “hours” or years they have been in the family. They give their love equally to each one.
Jesus wanted to communicate this kind of unconditional love for all people and so He tells a parable of a man who treats his workers in just the same way, with unconditional love, no matter how many hours they have worked. This vineyard owner was the right man with the right plan to communicate this message.
That is how we can understand all events in the Middle East. Do we have the right man in charge that will attract followers and allies, and do we have the right plan to successfully accomplish it? Is the President advancing the plan resolute, steady, and consistent? Does he have a clear and compelling plan to accomplish it, and are people or other nations attracted to him and his plan?
Good people will argue back and forth on these issues, but these are the right issues and questions to raise. Is it the right man and the right plan?
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Wonderful message and certainly real questions that need to be answered.
Terrific web-site Fr Dave!