Hi Father Dave, you had so many people around you after Father Joe’s mass, that we didn’t have a chance to chat, but thank you for giving Father Joe and us a beautiful send off. It was so painful to say goodbye, but we know Father Joe is still among us, in the words of wisdom he gave us, in the effusive joy he glowed and warmed us with and with the loving compassion he showed us all how to share. Thank you once again for inviting him to St Paschals and thank you for being our shepherd for all of these years.
Thank you for your message. As hard as it was to say goodbye, I am glad at least that we had so much time to prepare ourselves for it. I think that made a positive difference. I am not sure how it would be if he had died suddenly and unexpectedly. As it was, we had one and a half years of sharing his spiritual journey.
I thank you most sincerely for those sincere, poignant and eloquent tributes paid Fr. Joe Scerbo SA at the Mass of the Resurrection. In spite of being at the other end of the world, I could palpably feel the heart-warming affection, profound respect and sincere gratitude of one all to a devoted priest, a faithful religious, a scholarly academic, a loyal friend, a trusted confidante, a compassionate confessor and an inspiring pastoral leader.
On a personal note, I am particularly grateful to you, Fr. Dave, for allowing me the privilege and joy of sharing, on three successive occasions, both time and experiences with Fr. Joe, the other priests and yourself. It has been a most enriching experience enjoying your company, inspiration and hospitality. I am indeed greatly indebted to you all.
Our consolation now rests in the fact that we can count on the powerful intercession of Fr. Joe Scerbo as he shares in the glory and triumph of our Risen Lord and in the intimate company of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Francis, Padre Serra, and the saints.
In union of prayers and with my reiterated gratitude, Fr. Dave,
Hello Fr. James! Great to read your comments. I wish you could have been here. Fr Joe and myself very much appreciated the ties you were able to join us at St. Paschal’s. I know our people were grateful for your wise sermons and friendly personality as well. Yes, we look forward to Fr. Joe’s intercessions for all of us!
Father Dave,
Dick and I soooooooooooo enjoyed your beautiful Resurrection Mass and heartfelt tribute you so eloquently gave for our beloved Father Joe!! We could feel your love and deep respect for his precious priesthood and his living Jesus’ love so compassionately!!! We felt so spiritually uplifted and though our hearts were torn to tears, our souls could feel our Jesus’ and our Mary’s loving embrace enveloping our dear Father Joe!!! Our world has lost his precious presence but Heaven is a more beautiful place for one amazing saint is touching others with his special love!!!!Till we meet again Father Joe!!! We love you!!! Love, Franca and Dick, our sweet Circle of Love and our St. Judes!!!!!
You are sooooooooooo loved Father Joe by our precious Father Dave , amazing Joe and Lori Sikorra, dear Penelope O’Corrigan and all your lovely St. Paschals’ priests and parishioners!!!! Yours was a life so beautifully lived in Jesus’ love!!! We will always remember ” You are in my Chalice!!!” We want to make our home there!!!!!!
Yes, Fr. Dave, we thank God for inspiring you to invite Fr. Joe to be with us at St. Paschal’s. We feel blessed to have known him as he shared with us his infectious joy, laugh, love of the Lord and, of course his beautiful smile and bear hugs. It always gave me such a warm feeling when he’d tell us that the little flowers on the trees, outside of church, were little love notes from God. I couldn’t help think, at his funeral Mass, that all the people there were little love notes to Fr. Joe. What a beautiful person. We will continue to remember his example to make us better people. Thank you, so much, for your comments regarding Fr. Joe’s prayers at the end of Mass. What a profound example it was of God working through him. We were so glad that you celebrated Mass and gave that wonderful sermon. It would not have been the same without you, Fr. Dave…….
Hello! Thanks for your message. I especially like you image that all of the people there at the funeral were “God’s little love notes to Fr. Joe.” I agree completely! Thanks for sharing that.
Fr. Dave,
Have you considered recording your reflections & homiles also? Just thinking that there would be people who would appreciate either an audio, video or both versions. Maybe an audio version could be downloaded onto I pods etc. Great walking music ;-).
Every 9am Mass at St. Paschal’s was always recorded, so people could hear me when I said that Mass. I will be reassigned to a new placement this July, and will immediately make plans for recording then. Thanks for asking.
Hi, I have been able to find online a selection of Fr. Joe and Fr. Dave’s homilies that were preached at SPB. I think I googled “Fr. Dave Heney Fr. Joe Scerbo” or something like that to find them online. I hope that this is helpful.
Upon further reflection, I MUST say that Fr. Joe’s life was THE most inspirational experience we old ALL collectively share with such a gifted priest as Fr. Joe. And, to leave us on St. Joseph’s day, shortly after hearing that Pope Francis was to canonize his favorite saint, Padre Serra, after 300 years, is quite amazing. After all, it was through Fr. Joe, especially in his last years, that we learned so much about the amazing specifics of his life. With al the novenas we offered for Fr. Joe’s health through the intercession of Padre Serra, we were answered with a most favorable outcome —— Padre Serra’s canonization to be, later this year. I am very sure that would be just fine with Fr. Joe
I must comment on Fr. Joe…He was the kindest most loving person I have encountered, Thank you for your wonderful sermon at his funeral mass. I didn’t even mind standing the whole time. It was so touching. When Fr. Joe spoke, you could feel the love that engulfed him. He made me feel that I was truly special and that God really loved me. His sermons were so inspirational and poignant. We do truly miss him. Always smiling… I loved your comments about meeting him for lunch and waiting 20 mins. for him to finish talking with someone in the Adoration Chapel. That was so Fr. Joe…What a gift we had!
My blessings for you and your beloved priest friend, brother, companion to all of us and that you loved so much and He felt your presence in every beautiful word you spoke at his funeral.
To be honest, I feel his presence in every full moon, every beautiful sky that we have had right after he died I knew he was speaking to us because he loved nature so much. So when I ponder on his death and the love he had for his people, as an instrument of what God’s love for us means., he is still with us!
Father Dave you are always in my prayers that you will be close to we can come to your parish.
Father Jim at St. Jude’s needs a lot of help – Praise God that you will be that close!
Father Dave, a dear and beloved friend, you are the best because you have compassion and love of our Lord!
God Bless you always and we are always praying you be able to come “home” We Need you so much to come home!
Love & Respect to You and you know me I always vent
Love & Blessings
There was a lot more, but somehow I lost it about your love for Father Joe.
God Bless, you
I was so honored to have assisted his Mom, many years ago in typing his Ordination invitations. What happy times, attending his Ordination and the man years that followed. We knew Joe as a young man growing
up when he used to “Play priest” in his backyard. One cannot say enough nice things about Fr. Joe. He was
truly a remarkable and spiritual person who love my meatballs and spaghetti when he came home to visit.
Rest in peace, father. We love you and will miss for a very long time an look forward to the day we will meet you again.
I came to know that Fr Joe passed away today only. I used to attend Paschal Baylon 2 years back and moved to NY. Fr Joe baptized my elder kid. I am sure he is still praying for us all. Thanks for the beautiful sermon that captures the spirit that Fr Joe was.
Father Dave,
I belatedly read your wonderful sermon delivered at Father Joe’s funeral mass. Father Joe and I worked on the five part Junipero Serra series and appeared together the night it premiered on EWTN. At one point Father Joe asked, “How do you hold the light and the dark in your hand.” A simple comment, one of his many gems that would surprise and delight us. How much we miss him! The day of the mass we were filming a project he had been helping us with, about Saint Kateri Tekakwitha. But we were with you all in spirit. Siempre Adalante, Nunca Atras.
Jim Kelty
Thank you for the reminder of the great life that Fr. Joe Scerbo was for all of us. I am glad you were able to read the sermon I gave at his funeral and that I have posted on my website. It was such a great joy to have him with us for those seven blessed years. It was amazing that just as he finished your Padre Serra film project, he was diagnosed with cancer. Having finally finished your wonderful film he could join in the words of Simeon, “Now Lord, you may dismiss your servant in peace.”
Hi Father Dave, you had so many people around you after Father Joe’s mass, that we didn’t have a chance to chat, but thank you for giving Father Joe and us a beautiful send off. It was so painful to say goodbye, but we know Father Joe is still among us, in the words of wisdom he gave us, in the effusive joy he glowed and warmed us with and with the loving compassion he showed us all how to share. Thank you once again for inviting him to St Paschals and thank you for being our shepherd for all of these years.
The Remo Iezza Family
Thank you for your message. As hard as it was to say goodbye, I am glad at least that we had so much time to prepare ourselves for it. I think that made a positive difference. I am not sure how it would be if he had died suddenly and unexpectedly. As it was, we had one and a half years of sharing his spiritual journey.
Good morning, Fr. Dave!
I thank you most sincerely for those sincere, poignant and eloquent tributes paid Fr. Joe Scerbo SA at the Mass of the Resurrection. In spite of being at the other end of the world, I could palpably feel the heart-warming affection, profound respect and sincere gratitude of one all to a devoted priest, a faithful religious, a scholarly academic, a loyal friend, a trusted confidante, a compassionate confessor and an inspiring pastoral leader.
On a personal note, I am particularly grateful to you, Fr. Dave, for allowing me the privilege and joy of sharing, on three successive occasions, both time and experiences with Fr. Joe, the other priests and yourself. It has been a most enriching experience enjoying your company, inspiration and hospitality. I am indeed greatly indebted to you all.
Our consolation now rests in the fact that we can count on the powerful intercession of Fr. Joe Scerbo as he shares in the glory and triumph of our Risen Lord and in the intimate company of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Francis, Padre Serra, and the saints.
In union of prayers and with my reiterated gratitude, Fr. Dave,
Fr. James Valladares
Adelaide, South Australia.
Hello Fr. James! Great to read your comments. I wish you could have been here. Fr Joe and myself very much appreciated the ties you were able to join us at St. Paschal’s. I know our people were grateful for your wise sermons and friendly personality as well. Yes, we look forward to Fr. Joe’s intercessions for all of us!
Father Dave,
Dick and I soooooooooooo enjoyed your beautiful Resurrection Mass and heartfelt tribute you so eloquently gave for our beloved Father Joe!! We could feel your love and deep respect for his precious priesthood and his living Jesus’ love so compassionately!!! We felt so spiritually uplifted and though our hearts were torn to tears, our souls could feel our Jesus’ and our Mary’s loving embrace enveloping our dear Father Joe!!! Our world has lost his precious presence but Heaven is a more beautiful place for one amazing saint is touching others with his special love!!!!Till we meet again Father Joe!!! We love you!!! Love, Franca and Dick, our sweet Circle of Love and our St. Judes!!!!!
You are sooooooooooo loved Father Joe by our precious Father Dave , amazing Joe and Lori Sikorra, dear Penelope O’Corrigan and all your lovely St. Paschals’ priests and parishioners!!!! Yours was a life so beautifully lived in Jesus’ love!!! We will always remember ” You are in my Chalice!!!” We want to make our home there!!!!!!
Yes, we were all in Fr. Joe’s Chalice, and remain so.
I couldn’t get there but my heart was there but my heart was there..as he will be missed.
Greatly missed by all.
Yes, Fr. Dave, we thank God for inspiring you to invite Fr. Joe to be with us at St. Paschal’s. We feel blessed to have known him as he shared with us his infectious joy, laugh, love of the Lord and, of course his beautiful smile and bear hugs. It always gave me such a warm feeling when he’d tell us that the little flowers on the trees, outside of church, were little love notes from God. I couldn’t help think, at his funeral Mass, that all the people there were little love notes to Fr. Joe. What a beautiful person. We will continue to remember his example to make us better people. Thank you, so much, for your comments regarding Fr. Joe’s prayers at the end of Mass. What a profound example it was of God working through him. We were so glad that you celebrated Mass and gave that wonderful sermon. It would not have been the same without you, Fr. Dave…….
Hello! Thanks for your message. I especially like you image that all of the people there at the funeral were “God’s little love notes to Fr. Joe.” I agree completely! Thanks for sharing that.
Fr. Dave,
Have you considered recording your reflections & homiles also? Just thinking that there would be people who would appreciate either an audio, video or both versions. Maybe an audio version could be downloaded onto I pods etc. Great walking music ;-).
Every 9am Mass at St. Paschal’s was always recorded, so people could hear me when I said that Mass. I will be reassigned to a new placement this July, and will immediately make plans for recording then. Thanks for asking.
So far I am just able to keep with writing, but audio may be something in the future.
Hi, I have been able to find online a selection of Fr. Joe and Fr. Dave’s homilies that were preached at SPB. I think I googled “Fr. Dave Heney Fr. Joe Scerbo” or something like that to find them online. I hope that this is helpful.
Thank you!
Hello Fr. Dave,
Upon further reflection, I MUST say that Fr. Joe’s life was THE most inspirational experience we old ALL collectively share with such a gifted priest as Fr. Joe. And, to leave us on St. Joseph’s day, shortly after hearing that Pope Francis was to canonize his favorite saint, Padre Serra, after 300 years, is quite amazing. After all, it was through Fr. Joe, especially in his last years, that we learned so much about the amazing specifics of his life. With al the novenas we offered for Fr. Joe’s health through the intercession of Padre Serra, we were answered with a most favorable outcome —— Padre Serra’s canonization to be, later this year. I am very sure that would be just fine with Fr. Joe
God Bless, John
Thanks for writing your reflections about Fr. Joe. We will miss him for a long time to come.
Dear Fr. Dave,
We will indeed miss Fr. Joe for a very long time to come. He was such a kind, giving and loving man, We will never forget him.
We also miss you and always will.
God Bless, Marie and Hank Ceci
I think about fr. Joe often. He was a great and gentle soul.
I must comment on Fr. Joe…He was the kindest most loving person I have encountered, Thank you for your wonderful sermon at his funeral mass. I didn’t even mind standing the whole time. It was so touching. When Fr. Joe spoke, you could feel the love that engulfed him. He made me feel that I was truly special and that God really loved me. His sermons were so inspirational and poignant. We do truly miss him. Always smiling… I loved your comments about meeting him for lunch and waiting 20 mins. for him to finish talking with someone in the Adoration Chapel. That was so Fr. Joe…What a gift we had!
God Bless
thank you for writing so well about Fr. Joe. We will miss him a great deal.
My blessings for you and your beloved priest friend, brother, companion to all of us and that you loved so much and He felt your presence in every beautiful word you spoke at his funeral.
To be honest, I feel his presence in every full moon, every beautiful sky that we have had right after he died I knew he was speaking to us because he loved nature so much. So when I ponder on his death and the love he had for his people, as an instrument of what God’s love for us means., he is still with us!
Father Dave you are always in my prayers that you will be close to we can come to your parish.
Father Jim at St. Jude’s needs a lot of help – Praise God that you will be that close!
Father Dave, a dear and beloved friend, you are the best because you have compassion and love of our Lord!
God Bless you always and we are always praying you be able to come “home” We Need you so much to come home!
Love & Respect to You and you know me I always vent
Love & Blessings
There was a lot more, but somehow I lost it about your love for Father Joe.
God Bless, you
Thank you for all those comments. I certainly miss SPB very much.
I was so honored to have assisted his Mom, many years ago in typing his Ordination invitations. What happy times, attending his Ordination and the man years that followed. We knew Joe as a young man growing
up when he used to “Play priest” in his backyard. One cannot say enough nice things about Fr. Joe. He was
truly a remarkable and spiritual person who love my meatballs and spaghetti when he came home to visit.
Rest in peace, father. We love you and will miss for a very long time an look forward to the day we will meet you again.
Hi Fr Dave,
I came to know that Fr Joe passed away today only. I used to attend Paschal Baylon 2 years back and moved to NY. Fr Joe baptized my elder kid. I am sure he is still praying for us all. Thanks for the beautiful sermon that captures the spirit that Fr Joe was.
Thank you for your message. I am glad that you got to know Fr. Joe and that he performed a Baptism for your family. We still miss him.
Father Dave,
I belatedly read your wonderful sermon delivered at Father Joe’s funeral mass. Father Joe and I worked on the five part Junipero Serra series and appeared together the night it premiered on EWTN. At one point Father Joe asked, “How do you hold the light and the dark in your hand.” A simple comment, one of his many gems that would surprise and delight us. How much we miss him! The day of the mass we were filming a project he had been helping us with, about Saint Kateri Tekakwitha. But we were with you all in spirit. Siempre Adalante, Nunca Atras.
Jim Kelty
Thank you for the reminder of the great life that Fr. Joe Scerbo was for all of us. I am glad you were able to read the sermon I gave at his funeral and that I have posted on my website. It was such a great joy to have him with us for those seven blessed years. It was amazing that just as he finished your Padre Serra film project, he was diagnosed with cancer. Having finally finished your wonderful film he could join in the words of Simeon, “Now Lord, you may dismiss your servant in peace.”