Recently, I began a new program on Relevant Radio (in Los Angeles on AM 93, and on the internet at I lead the rosary in a program called The Family Rosary Across America on Monday through Friday beginning at 5pm Pacific time.
People across the country are invited to call in or email thier intentions while we pray. I thought I would write this article that describes just how our prayers are understood by God, and especially how He responds. I hope you find it helpful.
I’d like to hear your thoughts in the comments section below after reading.
Click here to read: Can Your Prayer Change God’s Mind?
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
That was beautifully explained.
Thank you!
Hi, Father Dave, this, again, is a wonderful article. I think the older we get as you say the more we learn about ourselves and prayers and God Himself and thanks to Our Lord, my Rosaries and my Guardian Angel. It is amazing at 83 now I find my Angel with me all the time with just little helpful things. Between all of these things and our remarkable faith life is good even after losing my husband and 2 sons. I just remember in prayer God has a plan for each of us. I hope a lot of our St. Bruno parishioners read your fine articles because it touches on life today.
Thank you for passing on this wisdom to us.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope all our St. Bruno parishioners find them helpful as well!
There is a powerful example of how prayer changes us that is attributed to a Civil War soldier:
“I asked God for strength, that I might achieve; I was made weak, that I might learn humbly
to obey. I asked for health, that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity, that I might
do better things. I asked for riches, that I might be happy; I was given poverty, that I might
be wise. I asked for power, that I might have other’s praise; I was given weakness, that I
might feel the need of God. I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life; I was given life,
Thank you and bless you for reminding us all of this.
You are welcome. I thought this soldier was especially wise.
Father Dave! You simply are the best! I met you at the Silent Retreat in Alhomra this past September. I shared with you I was writing a book called Kracked Open…Thanks be to God (launches 11/8/18)
Anyhow, you always ask for comments and therefore thought I would. This is one of my favorite articles you wrote. It’s perfect! I’m starting a Faithful friend + Joe (coffee) meet up this Wednesday, in my town of Carlsbad (CA). The focus will be on teachers, parents, kids in our community as I feel it starts right in our own backyards. We will take a small collection at each prayer session and the kitty will be used to bring a meal to a family in need. I hope the idea spreads across the world as the world can certainly use more Faithful Friends supporting and loving one another. I ask God everyday where he needs me and apparently this is my next project. Start small, aim high bringing Heaven and Earth together as 1….God is good Father Dave. God is good. Sunday Blessings Father!💞
Thank you so much for writing, and sharing your project! I hope it goes well. You are responding to the Lord well.
… I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing I asked for, but everything I hoped for.
I am glad this soldiers comments were preserved all these years for all of us to read today.
Fr. Benedict Roeschel R.I.P of EWTN once said to a caller “God never changes His Mind”. I’ve been pondering that for a long time. I think when Jesus in the Garden of Agony asked to have His cross taken away, God’s will was the answer. Fr, Benedict somehow hit is right. God seems to answer those p rayers that get us quicker to His plan for us so He does not change His mind, he loves us too much for that.
Well said!
Fr Dave
Beautiful article!!
I am so grateful that now 2 years after my surgery that I have a great prayer life. Even the fact that I did before as I was able to hear…the voice of guardian Angels. The gift of listening in prayer is also a gift from God. You have to have silence in your life for that to happen.
I would love to invite everyone to pray Divine Mercy on their rosaries everyday at 3:00 pm. You can google divine mercy to learn about it. Basically it is the sorrowful mysteries of our Lords passion. Next you can go on u-tube and learn the prayer. I really like the song myself.
It is really lovely to know that you are helping others with their salvation.
God Bless
Yes, you can listen on Relevant Radio on station 93 on the AM dial in Los Angeles, or check the website for your nearest station.
Thank you Fr.! What a perfect explanation of prayer…. Perfect to share it with our loved ones and just about every else in the world….
I hope you family and friends will find it helpful as well!
Well thought out Fr. Dave. I understand you were focusing on prayer of intentions and requests and I hold these same sentiments too. I do attempt to practice humility and gratitude in my prayer life by thanking God for what I have that is good in my life before I begin to ask for what I think I need. I want to let Him know, I appreciate what I do have that is good and right and that I do not take these blessings for granted. Sometimes I think we are always asking God for favors and do not deeply acknowledge what we have been given. I have learned in my life that nothing stays the same and think of the Jewish phrase attributed to Solomon “and this too shall pass” and I just ask God to help me to recognize and appreciate all that is good in my life.
Great to hear about your 5 pm rosary-I may catch it on my drive home. There are also apps of the rosary which are great to listen to while driving or exercising anytime. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is also time well spent and I can attest many many blessings are bestowed in return. Thank you Fr. Dave you have a tremendous talent for digesting complicated concepts and making them simple and understandable. You are a blessing.
Thank you so much for your very thoughtful message. You have a lot of wisdom there. Thank you for sharing it!
I take from your article the word “responsibility” for my actions, thoughts and reactions. Lent is a perfect time to reflect on this and live my life realizing that I have this responsibility and I don’t get to blame the Lord for all that I don’t like in my life. It is a great challenge for me and I believe I will be a better child of God the more I am able to be the best version of myself as the Lord sees me. Thank you for the article.
Yes, responsibility is a very deep concept and worthy of our reflection, as you say. Thank you!
Thank you Fr. Dave for your spiritual article on “Prayer.”
It is a wonderful guide for us us in our daily living. God always does what is best for us because He loves us
and He is the boss.
I will print it out and meditate on it during Lent.
I am glad you found it so helpful!
Father Dave, good morning, did some exploring on the web found a litany of the saints dating back to Pope Gregory, the Great in 590 AD. Quite beautiful..thank you…..Great to have you back safe & sound
John McCarthy