Gospel for March 16 2025 – Luke 9: 28b-36
Gospel Reflections for March 16 2025
He led them out…
Jesus invites three special Apostles, Peter, James, and John, and leads them out to a high mountain where He is suddenly transfigured before their eyes. No one today really knows what transfigured means, but we know those startled Apostles felt profoundly moved and satisfied. They didn’t want to leave!
Sudden flashes of insight can be wonderful. We wish they would last longer too. I have met many engaged couples who said on their first date they felt amazing and transforming feelings of love at first sight. Yet none of them got married that same day!
They knew they needed much more knowledge about each other. They spent months and perhaps even years coming to know the other person well. They educated themselves on their partner. Sudden insight should lead to a desire for more education. Jesus invited His three disciples to do just that. He led them out from that mountain for much further training.
The Latin word used to describe what Jesus did is “educere” which means to lead out. It is the root source of our English word education. An educated person is literally one who has been led out of not knowing what is going on to deeper understanding. Lent is your time to seek the rewarding work of education.
This is the perfect Gospel for The University Series that is now in its second week, or all the other helpful resources you can easily access at stbrunochurch.org.
I hope you have a desire for knowledge especially with so many challenges today for your family. All our St. Bruno resources offer practical ideas in these areas.
All are designed to lead you out of unknowing and into deeper knowledge and clearer understanding. They connect faith with real life. Once you understand things better, you can make wise decisions about how to live and take care of your family, and especially how to deepen your relationship with God.
Coming soon in The University Series are talks on a whole range of issues on faith and current events, family life, scripture, spirituality, and morality.
Let yourself be Led Out by Our Lord into a new and clearer understanding of yourself, your faith, and the world today. See all the great resources just for you at stbrunochurch.org.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
We soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo loved the University Series through all its fabulous years!!! Become one in love and precious understandingg of our miracle Faith!!! Love Father Dave, love the University and love all of you for attending!!!
Thank you!